
Manglier Tea: Unlocking It's Healing and Curative Power

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Brand: Kingdom Wellness Teas

Presale Information: Manglier Tea is on sale and will ship on or before 1/1/24.


For centuries, the hardy Manglier shrub has flourished in Louisiana's bayous, its leaves quietly offering healing gifts. Indigenous peoples and later Acadian settlers intuitively relied on Manglier's remedies, passed down through generations of folk healers called traiteurs.

Now, emerging science validates what tradition long knew - Manglier is a treasure trove of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds with incredible potential to support whole-body wellness. Over 40 phytonutrients work synergistically to reduce oxidative stress, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, soothe aches and pains, and even boost immunity.

Join Kingdom Wellness Teas, Chief Wellness Officer and herbalist Karen Moore on a journey back through Manglier's history - from its roots in indigenous spiritual practices to secret Acadian folk traditions to modern research exploring its anti-diabetic, heart-healthy and disease-preventive properties. Discover how Manglier became a pharma research target and the foundation for Moore's own line of customized herbal formulations.

Weaving cultural heritage with cutting-edge studies, this book unlocks Manglier's untold story and invites you to experience its gifts of restoration for yourself. Explore how incorporating this magical bayou shrub into your routine can uplift your health and vitality for years to come.

Shipping Note: Manglier Tea: Unlocking its Healing and Curative Power

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